Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Class Survey

1. Dana Ilacqua
2. Cleveland, Ohio
3. Freshman- Early Childhood; I wouldn't want to teach past 3rd grade.
4. I do not play on an athletic team. However, I did join a sorority last semester, so I'll be doing activities with that. Applications come out this spring for the New Orleans immersion trip next winter break, so I want to apply to that. I'll also look into studying abroad at some point, while I attend John Carroll.
5. In order to take intellectual and creative risks in the classroom, I would need to feel as though I would not be judged by my peers and professor when expressing my thoughts and opinions. Once I gain that feeling, I'm pretty open to sharing my ideas with others.
6. Generally, I like to participate in class; however, I will not speak the whole time. I'll promptly complete all assignments, projects, and class oriented activities; I'm not one to turn in late assignments unless there are extraordinary circumstances. In terms of my learning style, I get bored real quick if I just sit there listening to a professor ramble on for the entire class period; I need to interact and feel engaged somehow in order to make the time go by quickly. I'll first ask a peer if I do not understand a concept proposed in class, and if his/her clarification does not help, then I'll ask the teacher for his/her input as well.
7. The high school I attended has an extremely well staffed and educated English department; I feel as though they formed me into the writer I am currently. I carry with me a lot of the skills I learned from them at college and try my best to incorporate those skills in the papers I write for my college professors. Also, by studying the French language all four years in high school, I really want to visit France one day; thus, it triggered my passion to study abroad at some point.
8. Quite frequently, I hear teachers complain about not making enough money for what they do, so that leads me to believe that teachers' salaries are a concern in the field of education. Another issue I think about is the lack of education children in underdeveloped nations receive and how people can help alleviate that issue. I also think about how technology continues to change the field of education and how it is incorporated into the classroom/the teachers lesson for the day.
9. What will you be doing in Israel?

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